WARNING - a new virus has infected the Forum

I caught it. I tried REALLY hard to avoid it. I think my kids brought it home from school. It got me. As viruses go, it beats the hell outta the flu.

I'm not actively looking for a cure. In fact, should you try to cure me, I'll fight you. Its an insidious virus - it converts you to its side. I think of it as the Patty Hearst of camera viruses...

Agreed, Ray...and thought there are some side effects, they're not all bad.;) I'm the one with the grey hair.


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The X100 is fantastic but not perfect. It will not suit everyone's style, and like Don has already said, I am not planning on selling the NEX. In fact after looking at the Ricoh GXR at B&H yesterday I could see adding it to the possibles bag (a mountain man expression for those who don't know) ;) The EVF on the GXR is as bright and clear as any I have looked through, including the X100 and it rotates to vertical. Nice! (But it costs an extra $200) All of this goes to show that someone (like me) infected with the X-bug may be curable. But in the mean time if you are going to get an infection this is the one to have. Meanwhile you may want to take precautions like staying away from X-bug threads on this site. There are some infections images that may be contagious.