Food for thought

I'm glad I don't have to earn my money with photography. To read the blog was amusive. The comments about watermarks and breaking the rules could evoke a smile.
But the most fundamental mistakes to use aperture and exposure should be cleared before becoming a pro, I think.
All due respect Bill, but there was nothing about that article that I want to evenTRY to abide by. It's directed at new pros and even to the extent it could be more universally applied, it would make shooting seem like a job, which is the last thing I want it to feel like. His last bit about loving being a photographer and looking forward to it every day was very nice, for him. But based on everything else he'd written prior, it's about the last thing I'd wan to wake up to every day!

Still, I'm sure some of those tips could be useful to some...

-Ray would make shooting seem like a job, which is the last thing I want it to feel like. ...

Ray, you make an excellent point. My photography is a million parsecs away from my day job. I have done, and occasionally still do, paying work but it is entirely on my terms and at my discretion.

I was redundant for a few months about ten years ago and looked long and hard at going pro then, but photography is my counterbalance, my oasis of calm. Doing it for a living would leach that enjoyment from it for me and I don't want that.

Being able to plan a trip then execute it, process the shots afterwards, write about it and talk to the likes of you lot on here are all part of the pleasure for me :)